Friday, July 19, 2013

Definitely not a PR but still Giddy

I completed the Vancouver USA Marathon in June in approximately 6 hours.  The details (minutes, seconds before or after) don't matter to me.  I was giddily happy for the following reasons, not necessarily in this order:
1.  As I rounded the corner and ran into the last .2 of 26.2 miles, the announcer referred to me as the "young lady"!
2. The announcer also commented on me running in with a good kick and a strong finish.  So never mind that it took 6 hours, I finished strong and felt great.  I usually come in slogging (slow jog). 
3.  I never felt like I hit the wall.  So I enjoyed myself and felt good throughout all 26.2. 
4.  Brewfest with free beer tasting at the finish.
5.  Ono kalua pork plate lunch piled high from the Hawaiian food truck. 

I felt good knowing that I ran my own race and had a great time on my own.  And I was definitely on my own for several miles.  At one point, I worried that I took a wrong turn somewhere because I didn't see any fellow racers.  Finally, a volunteer cycled passed and reassured me that I was headed in the right direction.  I'm even registered for VUM 2014.